Rise ABOVE Traveling Exhibit
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

The RISE ABOVE Traveling Exhibit is a mobile movie theater that tours the country year round to educate and inspire people of all ages with the history and lessons of the Tuskegee Airmen. These war heroes broke down barriers with their courage and determination to serve our country in World War II, and their ability to triumph over adversity remains a compelling and inspirational example to us all. This event is sponsored by USS Yorktown Foundation in partnership with the VFW and American Legion. More information: https://www.redtail.org/rise-red-tail/rise-traveling-exhibit/ Phone: 843-884-2727 Email: info@patriotspoint.org
40 Patriots Point Road
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, 29464
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, 29464
More Info: https://www.patriotspoint.org/news-and-events/event/rise-above-traveling-exhibit/