Ikes Bird Sponsor Group Dallas, TX

Dallas Executive Airport
PO Box 764769
Dallas, TX 75376
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L-26B Aero Commander Ike's Bird More Ike's Bird Info
The factory drawing for Aero Commander serial number 55-4638 is titled “Ike’s Bird”. Built in 1955, the plane and several others were ordered by the government for a special purpose… to carry the President, Vice President and other government officials on short trips. The plane has the distinction of being the smallest aircraft ever to carry the “Air Force One” call sign. The story goes that President Eisenhower took office and refused to use the “Independence”, Harry Truman’s airplane, as his Air Force One. Instead he ordered a Lockheed Constellation as his primary aircraft. But for short trips into and out of his farm grass strip near Gettysburg, PA, the President needed... ...The primary mission of the CAF’s “Ike’s Bird” is to fly veterans for free in an historic plane. These flights are called “Victory Flights for Veterans”. Victory Flights are done to honor the veterans service to the nation and our freedoms. A unique feature of “Ike’s Bird” is its low entry door. Only one foot off the ground, the Commander can easily accommodate wounded and disabled veterans… men and women who otherwise have great difficulty in climbing into some of the CAF’s World War II aircraft. To fulfill this worthy mission, we must find and recruit Victory Flight Sponsors to help. Please click on the "Donate to Victory Flights" button, make a donation for this worthy cause and become a Victory Flight Sponsor. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you have brought joy and have honored a veteran with a free flight in a former Air Force One.
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