12 Planes of Christmas Update - Dec 17 2019
Update on December 17, 2019
Thanks to generous supporters from across the country, and across the world, we just hit 30% of our fundraising goal for the 12 Planes of Christmas fundraiser.
We thought you might appreciate an update on the campaign. 429 donations have been received so far for a total of $51,755 towards the goal of $150,000. Thank you to those who have already supported the campaign! And, if you haven’t yet donated, or are interested in donating again, there is still time!
The aircraft projects who have raised the most so far are: SB2C Helldiver, B-17 Texas Raiders, and P-40 Warhawk

Just this week we received word of a very special donation for the BT-13 (Japanese Replica) undergoing restoration by the Tex Hill Wing. An anonymous and generous couple have agreed to match donations to the BT-13 Val Project, up to $25,000. They hope by doing this, people will share the information and spread the word about the project. This donation will make a HUGE impact on this restoration project. You can help by donating or spreading the word about this matching gift incentive. (Click here to donate.)

This was also a big week for the P-40 Warhawk as the engines and wings are now back on the fuselage. We can’t wait to hear that Allison purr at airshows in 2020! Click here to donate.
Several other aircraft were added to the campaign, like the D-Day C-47* That’s All, Brother*, the PBY Catalina, the Nevada Wing’s AT-19, and more! Check out the entire listing of aircraft projects at this link- www.supportcaf.org.
Do you have a favorite aircraft in the 12 Planes of Christmas Campaign? Just like the generous donors above, your donation can help that aircraft’s restoration effort. And, if you are interested in offering a matching incentive donation to different aircraft, please call the CAF Development Office for more information. (877) 767-7175.
We are so grateful for the support and have really relished reading the comments and tributes to loved ones and veterans. With your help we can and will keep ‘em flying!
Restoration Grant Fund
As someone who supports WWII aircraft, WWII history, and the Commemorative Air Force, this is the time to contribute and support the CAF's Restoration Grant Fund! Every dollar donated to this fund provides a dollar-for-dollar match to a CAF aircraft in dire need of support.