Sky High Aerospace Expo and Fly-In

In 2023, an idea was born to create an aviation event that would be one for the ages. Anyone that has been in the aviation world for a while will immediately recognize the names of some of the most notable aviation events in the US. Oshkosh (aka Airventure), Sun 'N Fun, and Triple Tree are just some of the more notable aviation events during what is deemed to be "Show Season" here in the states. These events host a number of activities to include airshows, fly-ins, convention exhibitions, and are graced by countless amounts of people each and every year. COVID took a major toll on aviation events throughout the country which forced some events to close their doors for an extended time, and some even closed permanently. Now, with the return of festivals and events into the world again, airshows and other similar aviation events are a highly sought after attraction for people and families of all ages. Thus, Sky High was born. Sky High will bring an annual event each year to the Laurinburg-Maxton Airport that will include an Airshow, Fly-In, Camping, and much, much more. We chose the last portion of the year to provide attendees a different experience than the typical airshow. The September/October time of year is that perfect time when it is pleasantly warm during the day, and just chilly enough at night to have a bonfire. We hope this will be a major plus for our camping opportunities.
For those that don't know, Sun 'N Fun has been given the unofficial title of "The Start of Airshow Season", while Oshkosh is planted directly in the heart of Summer. So, at Sky High, we hope to be the show that "Wraps Up Airshow Season". We want our event to be the one final show that you just can't miss at the end of the year just before it gets too cold and the holidays are in full swing. We want to provide a "fall themed" experience that isn't used in ANY event in the country that is similar to ours.
-Trey Brown
Maxton, NC,
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