B-17 Texas Raiders-Only five still actively flying-Webinar
Date and Time: August 19, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.-As of 2020, there are just five B-17s still actively flying in the world. B-17G Texas Raiders (TR) is one of the most recognized and famous of the Flying Fortresses currently on the airshow circuit. The aircraft has been restored to wartime configuration inside and out by an entirely volunteer group of dedicated supporters. The aircraft has one of the most unusual histories of any existing Flying Fortresses flying today and is one of the most active and visible.
Of all the B-17s ever built, Texas Raiders is credited with the 5th most military time, is the 3rd youngest still in existence, and has served as a Living History museum longer than any other B-17 in the world. As of 2020, Texas Raiders has served in the CAF’s Mission of Honor, Inspiration, and Education for 53 years and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
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