That's All Brother in Spring Tour

D-Day veteran, “That’s All, Brother” will be visiting Birmingham, Alabama as part of the Spring Tour. After the Spring Tour, the aircraft will fly to Normandy and participate in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Here is your opportunity to tour and fly in the aircraft that led Mission Albany, part of the airborne assault on D-Day.
Living History Flight Experience...$249.00 per person. Tours of the aircraft and combined admission to the Southern Museum of Flight will be $8.00 per person. Children under 7 free.
Schedule... Friday, April 12th: Ground Tours and Rides Saturday, April 13th: Ground Tours and Rides Sunday, April 14th: Ground Tours and Rides
Flights will be held at the Birmingham International Airport, from the Atlantic Aviation East Ramp. The address is 4725 65th Pl N, Birmingham, AL 35206.
You can pre-book your ride here.
Birmingham, AL,
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