About the PT-19 Cornell

The PT-19 has been chosen as the best airplane for starting a new Unit for several reasons:

The PT-19/PT- 26 is an authentic World War II airplane. It was used extensively to train hundreds of thousands of Allied pilots during the war. Because it was not shipped overseas for combat, many stayed in the U.S. during the war and are still available today.

The PT-19/PT-26 is relatively easy to fly and maintain. New pilots can easily transition to this tailwheel airplane and experienced pilots love the flying qualities and open cockpit design. Maintainers can keep it flying because of its simple mechanical design, which also makes it more affordable to maintain then larger multi-engine aircraft.

The PT-19/PT-26 flights can generate revenue for Units. Warbird rides are a revenue source that support the cost of maintaining and flying the aircraft. Some Units are able to pay for all of their airplane costs just through selling rides.

Given these reasons, it is the perfect airplane to start a new Unit, build a membership base, and have an aircraft that can substantially pay for itself. Once a Unit becomes more established, the Unit members can request an assignment for more or larger airplanes such as a Stearman, a Beech 18, or other World War II aircraft that may be available through the Commemorative Air Force.

PT-19 Aircraft Sponsorship

This year, the Commemorative Air Force plans to assign a PT-19 to a new qualifying Unit. In order to qualify, a new Unit must recruit at least five Aircraft Sponsors for the PT-19/PT-26. The financial donation required is $1,500 per aircraft sponsorship. Many CAF airplanes have more than five aircraft sponsors, but the minimum to get started is five. The aircraft sponsorship funds will be deposited into an account managed by the Unit and will be available to help operate the aircraft. Aircraft sponsorships are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Aircraft Sponsors do not need to make this donation in advance of the airplaneā€™s assignment to the Unit. New Units can take pledges for the sponsorship, that way Sponsors do not have to be concerned that the airplane is assigned elsewhere. Once the aircraft assignment is made to a Unit, the five (or more) Aircraft Sponsors must make their donation or begin a sponsorship payment plan.

To learn more about the CAF's Aircraft Sponsorship Program, click here or contact the Development Department at CAF National Headquarters by emailing development@cafhq.org or calling (877) 767-7175, ext. 105.

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