DDAY Tour Updates

Updates for the Two C-47s Heading to Normandy for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day


Day 1 – May 11, 2024 - ATLANTA

The tour commenced with both Ready 4 Duty and That’s All, Brother departing for Peachtree-DeKalb Airport to participate in their first event: the Good Neighbor Airshow. Excitement was palpable as these historic aircraft began their journey. The Good Neighbor Airshow near Atlanta saw an impressive sight: four C-47s—*Ready 4 Duty*, That’s All, Brother, Placid Lassie, and Chalk 40—participated in jump operations. The views from both the aircraft and the ground were nothing short of stunning, providing a memorable experience for all in attendance.


That’s All, Brother conducted a few rides in Atlanta, delighting visitors at the home of the CAF’s Airbase Georgia group. Later in the day, the aircraft flew on to Virginia Beach to visit the Military Aviation Museum. Meanwhile, Ready 4 Duty made a meaningful stop in Charleston, meeting up with the last surviving D-Day destroyer, USS Laffey. Artifacts from the Laffey, including hull steel, a valve wheel, and a hull plug, were transferred to Ready 4 Duty to be transported back to France as part of the Navy to Normandy Tour. Additionally, Ready 4 Duty picked up a stowaway: Sailor Flat Stanley, created and signed by school children in the Charleston area, at the Patriots Point Museum and USS Yorktown Foundation.

Day 3 – May 13, 2024 - VIRGINIA BEACH

Both CAF aircraft and the Western DC-3 were stationed at the Virginia Military Aviation Museum, where they were displayed to the public. Museum Director Keegan Chetwynd took great care of the crew, providing a behind-the-scenes tour of the museum and ensuring a warm reception.

Day 4 – May 14, 2024 - OXFORD, CT

Ready 4 Duty and That’s All, Brother arrived at Waterbury-Oxford Airport (OXC) in Connecticut. OXC is serving as the rally point for the five DC-3s/C-47s/R4Ds that will cross the North Atlantic. The anticipation built as the aircraft gathered for the next leg of their journey. Please note a a special visitor on That's All, Brother for the 2024 Legacy Tour- Geoffrey! Geoffrey is the stuffed giraffe going along as part of That’s All, Brother’s aircrew for their trek to England for Giraffes on Tour. Geoffrey is being flown in memory of Louise Conway.

Day 5 – May 15, 2024 - OXFORD, CT

Due to inclement weather, flight operations were put on hold. However, the crews of the D-Day Squadron aircraft—*Ready for Duty,* That’s All, Brother, Placid Lassie, Western Air, and Spirit of Douglas—remained busy with planning and preparations, ensuring everything was in order for the upcoming transatlantic crossing.

Day 6 – May 16, 2024 - OXFORD, CT

Despite the continued weather delays, the crews used the time to finalize logistics and review flight plans. The sense of camaraderie and shared mission kept spirits high as they awaited clearer skies.

Day 7 – May 17, 2024 - OXFORD, CT

Today brought a break in the weather, allowing for some flight operations. The excitement was renewed as the aircraft began to move again. Links to track the aircraft on FlightAware were shared, enabling supporters and enthusiasts to follow the journey in real-time. Click Here. The crew worked diligently to get Ready 4 Duty in top shape before Saturday's departure to Presque Isle, Maine. There were a number of reenactors on the ground to take some great photos.


Day 8 - May 18, 2024 - Hudson River Flyover, Presque Isle, ME, (Oxford, CT) This morning at approximately 9:47 am, the first D-Day Squadron aircraft departed Waterbury-Oxford Airport (KOXC), CT, marking the beginning of the North Atlantic crossing and the 2024 Legacy Tour to honor the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the 75th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. Many of the aircraft did a breathtaking flyover down the Hudson River in New York, and could be seen over such iconic institions like West Point, Central Park, and the Empire State Building. Read 4 Duty remained in Oxford, chasing down an engine problem.

Day 9 - May 19, 2024 - Presque Isle, ME, Goose Bay, Canada, (Oxford, CT) Following a fun and restful afternoon in Presque Isle, ME, the first D-Day Squadron aircraft took off for Goose Bay, NL, Canada, marking the second leg of the transatlantic crossing for the 2024 Legacy Tour. The public got an amazing chance to see these flying legends up close, with antique cars and photographers capturing the event. However, Ready 4 Duty had to remain in Oxford, CT. To read more about the Ready 4 Duty engine issue, click here.

Day 10 – May 20, 2024 - Goose Bay, Canada, (Oxford, CT) While many of the other C-47s with the D-Day squadron flew to Greenland and Iceland, That’s All Brother chose to stay in Goose Bay, Canada, to wait out some weather. Meanwhile, Ready 4 Duty remained in Oxford troubleshooting a right engine issue. After several days of adjustments with no effect, it became clear that the engine was nearing the end of its operational life, leading to the decision to replace the #2 engine.

Day 11 - May 21, 2024 - Goose Bay, Canada, Narsarsuaq, Greenland, Reykjavik, Iceland (Oxford, CT) That’s All Brother made the big leap today from Goose Bay, Canada, to Narsarsuaq, Greenland, and then to Reykjavik, Iceland. Stunning images of the North Atlantic crossing were taken by crew members Curt Lewis and Mindi Russell. Meanwhile, R4D Ready 4 Duty remained in Oxford, Connecticut, working on the engine issue. The old #2 engine was removed, and the crew hoped to exchange accessories between the old and new engines the next day.

Day 12 - May 22, 2024 - Reykjavik, Iceland, Prestwick, Scotland, (Oxford, CT) That’s All, Brother prepared to leave Reykjavik, Iceland, for the UK early in the morning. The crew announced they successfully made it to Prestwick, Scotland, about midday. In Prestwick, they were greeted with traditionally rainy conditions. Still, the crews were elated to make it to the U.K. after an uneventful three legs across the pond.

Day 13 - May 23, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) That’s All, Brother, along with other non-CAF-owned D-Day Squadron aircraft, Placid Lassie and Western Air, have arrived in North Weald, England. This marks a tremendous milestone for the group. The remaining C-47s are striving to reach North Weald, which serves as the rally point for all aircraft over the next few days. Here is a status update on the other C-47s: Spirit of Douglas has left Reykjavik, Iceland, and is en route to North Weald, England; Screaming Eagle has left Goose Bay, Canada, and is currently en route to Narsarsuaq, Greenland. The CAF's Ready 4 Duty remains in Oxford, Connecticut, working to install engine #2. The team has undertaken extensive repairs and could certainly use extra help from our fans. If you feel inclined, please consider showing them some love by donating here: dfwwing.com/copy-of-support.

Day 14 - May 24, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) The That’s All, Brother crew is taking it slow today in North Weald, England. They have spent most of the day unloading survival gear and looking over TAB for any possible maintenance issues. In the meantime, other non-CAF-owned D-Day Squadron aircraft like Placid Lassie and Western Air are also having a more restful day while waiting for Spirit of Douglas to make its way to North Weald. Tomorrow, May 25, some of the aircraft will make their appearance at the airshow at Shuttleworth. Get more information on their appearance at the Shuttleworth airshow here. Ready 4 Duty is still in Oxford, Connecticut undergoing maintenance. They have called upon local mechanics to help in their efforts to get the aircraft back airborne.

Week 3

Day 15 - May 25, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) Yesterday, the aircraft and crews of "Spirit of Douglas," "Western Airlines," the "Placid Lassie" and Commemorative Airforce’s That's All, Brother, took a day of maintenance and rest at North Weald. This morning, they repositioned to Shuttleworth Trust and will participate in a D-Day Weekend event there. For more details, visit Shuttleworth's page

"Screaming Eagle" remains in Narsarsuaq, Greenland, with plans to depart for Reykjavik, Iceland tomorrow. Ready 4 Duty is still in Oxford, CT, making significant progress with a new engine. Follow @cafdfwwing for updates and support their journey here.

Day 16 - May 26, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) We get an Mission Report from Private Presquey "Bear"borne Division

Private Presquey reports from North Weald after returning from Old Warden and the Shuttleworth Trust, where the mission was to bring the living history of our aircraft to the people of Bedfordshire and others from around the world. The Shuttleworth Trust's extensive collection, including six hangars, historic buildings, vintage farm equipment, vehicles, and aircraft, provided a perfect setting for this mission.

During the visit, Private Presquey met hundreds of enthusiastic visitors, including @dougie_the_flying_koala and Amy the British Airways Bear. The experience highlighted the importance of preserving and sharing the history of these aircraft. As the mission progresses, Private Presquey and the crew of “Placid Lassie” will continue with regular maintenance and prepare for the upcoming flights. Photos provided by Dougie the Flying Koala and Ian Wayman

Day 17 - May 27, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) Crews were honored to stand on the hallowed grounds at the Cambridge American Cemetery today, honoring the fallen during their Memorial Day Service. As they continue this mission, they are reminded of those who have paid the ultimate price so that freedom might endure. May we always remain truly humbled by those who would sacrifice their lives so that we may be free.

Day 18 - May 28, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Greenland) Commemorative Air Force’s That's All, Brother posed for some stunning photos that were captured by The Centre of Aviation Photography today during their flights over the picturesque English countryside. That's All, Brother and "Placid Lassie," along with "Western Airlines" and "Spirit of Douglas," are currently at North Weald, conducting training flights between North Weald and Duxford.

"Screaming Eagle" remains in Greenland, undergoing maintenance before heading to Iceland. Ready 4 Duty is in Oxford, continuing efforts to get back on track for their journey to Europe.

Day 19 - May 29, 2024 - North Weald, UK (Oxford, CT) While Ready 4-Duty remains in Oxford, Connecticut, the crew and local volunteers are hopeful the aircraft will recover and join the mission's final leg. Back in North Weald, UK, the crews of That's All, Brother, "Pegasus," "Placid Lassie," "Western Airlines," and "Spirit of Douglas" are preparing for their upcoming flight to Duxford, UK. They conducted maintenance checks and took a few test flights to ensure readiness.

Day 20 - May 30, 2024 - North Weald, UK This afternoon, That's All, Brother conducted a two-way photo flight from North Weald to Duxford, carrying a 1944 D-Day veteran aboard. The flight was a remarkable experience with this military hero. Meanwhile, "Pegasus," "Placid Lassie," "Western Airlines," and "Spirit of Douglas" remained grounded for safety and maintenance checks in preparation for their departure tomorrow.

Ready 4 Duty has a significant update in their journey. Despite the immense efforts of volunteer crews and public support, Ready 4 Duty and Navy to Normandy have decided to abort their mission and return to their home base in Texas to regroup. Read their full statement here.

Week 4

Day 21 - May 31, 2024 - Duxford, UK All aircraft of the D-Day Squadron have departed North Weald and are en route to Duxford. The Commemorative Air Force's That's All, Brother, along with Pegasus, Placid Lassie, Western Airlines, and N3364 Spirit of Douglas are headed to the Imperial War Museum for the Duxford Summer Air Show: D-Day 80. Some will take flight and other will be avalible for you tour. You still have time to see these historic aircraft in person. Click here to purchase your tickets.

Day 22 - June 1, 2024 - Duxford, UK The D-Day Squadron spent the day at the Imperial War Museum and the Duxford Airshow, featuring flyovers, wing walkers, and appearances by B-17 Sally B, Spitfire, and P-51. After the show, "That's All, Brother" prepared its aircraft and crew for a cross-channel jump to Cherbourg, France scheduled for the following day.

Day 23 - June 2, 2024 - Duxford, UK (Cherbourg, FR) Three C-47 aircrafts including That’s All, Brother are currently making a cross-channel jump from Duxford Airfield to drop parachutists near Cherbourg. Due to fewer aircraft, these C-47s are making multiple jump operations today for the DD80 commemorations. Civilian transport DC-3s are loading in North Weald for their crossing to Cherbourg, with a second crossing planned later for additional crew and cargo. Despite losing nearly 10 aircraft due to maintenance and funding issues, the remaining crews are dedicated to honoring the Greatest Generation.

Day 24 - June 3, 2024 - Cherbourg, FR Welcome to France! After a brief delay to fix a brake issue, That's All, Brother made it over later in the evening, thanks to the extended daylight. Onboard were the son, grandson, and great-grandson of the original pilot, Al Reams, sharing his detailed wartime diary. The flight included scenic views over the Cliffs of Dover, Beachy Head, Pegasus Bridge, and the entire Normandy Coast, with a special circle around Pointe du Hoc and the American Cemetery.

Day 25- June 4, 2024 - Cherbourg, FR The D-Day Squadron of C-47s re-enacted the 101st Airborne Division 'Screaming Eagles' landing in Carentan-les-Marais on D-Day, 6th June 1944. They also performed an airborne assault demonstration with UH-60 Black Hawks, and C-130 Hercules from the US Air Force dropped US Army paratroopers. Meanwhile, hundreds of preserved vehicles drove by, to recreate the atmosphere leading up to

Day 26- June 5, 2024 - Cherbourg, FR Another C-47 enters the mission. While the other C-47s including That's All, Brother Prepare for their upcoming flight over Normandy, a new C-47 arrives to join them for the 80th anniversary of D-Day mission. The C-47 Drag 'em Oot from Aero Legends has joined their fleet. The D-Day squadron is extremely excited for their fly-over telling everyone one to keep an eye on the skies over Europe as they continue their #24LT Mission.

Day 27- June 6, 2024 - Normandy, FR In honor of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day U.S. President Joe Biden joined French President Emmanuel Macron, Britain's King Charles III, and other dignitaries from around the world to attend commemorations in northern France. They were also joined by about 150 American veterans who took part in the Normandy landings. The D-Day Squadron was in attendance but did not fly today. They showed their respect and many veterans, and their families were able to tour the aircrafts. This historical day of when the Allied forces launched a surprise attack that helped liberate Europe from Nazi Germany was overwhelming and emotional for most everyone in attendance.

Week 5

Day 28- June 7, 2024 - Normandy, FR The crews spent the day in Normandy, still celebrating the high of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Both "That's All, Brother" and "Placid Lassie" participated in ride flights over Omaha Beach. They also has the opportunity to assist several jump operations. Other aircraft remained grounded, allowing visitors to tour the C-47s that are still on the tour.

Day 29- June 8, 2024 - Normandy, FR (Reading, Pennsylvania) While the aircraft overseas participated in a flyover and assisted in jump operations into Le Mont-Saint-Michel, two of our stateside aircraft were at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WWII Weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania. The C-53 "Beach City Baby" and the R4D "READY-4-DUTY" commemorated the 80th Anniversary of D-Day at one of the largest WWII-themed events in the United States. They were joined by the C-49 "Wild Kat," which performed jumper drops for the airshow portion of the event.

Day 30- June 9, 2024 - Normandy, FR The D-Day Squadron had the honor of flying WWII veterans and their families over the invasion beaches. Pilots from That's All, Brother and "Placid Lassie" took the western route with two D-Day veterans on board—one from the 352nd Fighter Group and another who landed on Omaha Beach. It was a special night. Meanwhile, the rest of the aircraft prepared for their flight to La Ferté-Alais, France, scheduled for the next day.

Day 31- June 10, 2024 - Île-de-France It is the crews last day in this area and one of their last jump operations before some of our aircraft reposition to La Ferté-Alais. "Placid Lassie", "That's All, Brother", and "Western Airlines” are the aircraft are making their way to it to La Ferté-Alais to continue their mission to fly over to U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

Day 32- June 11, 2024 - Île-de-France The French Wing of the Commemorative Air Force, along with The Flying Salis Museum and the DCA Association, hosted an event originally to showcase C-47s "That's All, Brother" and R4D "Ready4 Duty." Dedicated to photographers and spotters, the event marked the arrival of the C-47s on the Cerny plateau. Although "Ready 4 Duty" had to drop out due to maintenance, photographers were still able to capture stunning images of "That's All, Brother" as it arrived.

Day 33- June 12, 2024 - Île-de-France The squadron spent the day at the “Experience the Airplanes of D-Day Cerny-La Ferté Alais” event. Originally, both the Commemorative Air Force’s Ready 4 Duty and That's All, Brother were scheduled to allow visitors inside the legendary aircraft, but Ready 4 Duty had to drop out earlier due to maintenance issues. Other C-47/DC-3s made the stop at La Ferté for static display as well.

Day 34- June 13, 2024 - Île-de-France It was a grounded day for the D-Day Squadron due to intermittent rain, so crews stayed on the ground performing maintenance and safety checks. "Placid Lassie" was caught beneath a perfect rainbow while at La Ferté-Alais, creating a beautiful sight. Crews are now gearing up for their upcoming departure to Germany.

Week 6

Day 35- June 14, 2024 - Garrison Wiesbaden Some of the squadron arrived at Garrison Wiesbaden in preparation for the BerlinAirlift75 events. The aircraft expected to participate in the celebration include Tunison Foundation C-47 "Placid Lassie," Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing C-47 "That's All, Brother," DC-3 "Western Airlines," DC-3 "Chalair," and C-47 "Daisy," along with some local T-6s.

Day 36- June 15, 2024 - Frankfurt, Germany It is the day of the 75th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. It was a momentous occasion for the D-Day Squadron. All three planes Including That's All, Brother, "Placid Lassie", and "Western Airlines" took part in a low-pass candy drop over the field at Wiesbaden Army Airfield on Clay Kaserne. As they wind down, the squadron thanks the U.S. Army Garrison staff, the Berlin Airlift Association, all the additional organizations, volunteers, and aircraft, and those who visited our aircraft during the open day and the school visits. They loved sharing their five C-47s and DC-3s with you!

Day 37- June 16, 2024 - Frankfurt, Germany Today marked the last official day of the D-Day Squadron's scheduled tour, with all the airplanes now heading home. After a quick fuel stop in Egelsbach, the Commemorative Air Force's "That's All, Brother" is back at North Weald Airport in the UK and on her way home.

Day 38- June 17, 2024 - North Weald No that the 75th Anniversary of the Berlinlift is over the aircraft have gone their separate way. That's All, Brother is heading towards North Weald UK for their maintenance while others have continued on a touring Europe. Some of the crews got the chance to visit the grave of Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, famously known as the Red Barron (der rote Kampfflieger) while other shared the history of the aircraft with school children before leaving germany.

Day 39- June 18, 2024 - North Weald Crews spent the day maintenance aircraft and resting as they prepare for their flight back to the states.

Day 40- June 19, 2024 - North Weald It was another day of resting and maintenance aircraft for the crew as they prepare for their flight back across the Atlantic. Right now, there is not a date set for That's All, Brother to return to the sates. Crews are working to make sure it will be a smooth and safe flight.

Day 41- June 20, 2024 - North Weald, UK Right now, "Western Airlines" DC-3 has her spa mask on and she's been getting a bit of TLC while they enjoy more of the English countryside. Here's a quick update on the status of the U.S. based aircraft:
- DC-3 "Western Airlines": currently at Goodwood Aerodrome (EGHR) - starting the journey back to the U.S. following departure from this location - no confirmed date for departure.
- C-47 That's All, Brother: currently at North Weald (EGSX) - starting the journey back to the U.S. following departure from this location - no confirmed date for departure.
- C-47 "Placid Lassie": spent some time with our great hosts at @flugplatztannheim (EDMT) - now back at North Weald (EGSX) - relocating this weekend to Sywell (EGBK) for the airshow.
- Million Air A-26 "Millionairess" currently in Salzburg, Austria with Red Bull Air Force - possible plans to be at Sywell Airshow this weekend. As the aircraft begin to make their way home, there will not be specific confirmed dates or times for departures or arrivals to their next stops. Each aircraft will be working on a bit different schedule and returning to a different home base. The one thing you can count on in aviation is a need for flexibility! All updates are weather and maintenance dependent, as always.

Day 42- June 21, 2024 - North Weald, UK( Sywell, Northamptonshire, UK) While C-47 That's All, Brother and "Western Airlines" DC-3 were getting much needed R&R as they prepare for their trip to make it back across the Atlantic back to the United States. Other aircraft like C-47 "Placid Lassie" were getting ready for the Sywell air show in Hall Farm, Sywell, Northamptonshire United Kingdom.

Day 43- June 22, 2024 - North Weald, UK(Sywell, Northamptonshire, UK) C-47 "Placid Lassie" was set up for a static display at Sywell Aerodrome! The crew members from the Commemorative Air Force Ready 4 Duty were all set up with the artifacts from the Battleship Texas Foundation, as a part of the Navy to Normandy mission. Back in North Weald the crew from That's All, Brother was preparing and getting last minute safety and maintenance issues secure as they prepare for their trip to Reykjavik, Iceland tomorrow.

Day 44- June 23, 2024 - Reykjavik, Iceland A big update on the the current aircraft still on their journeys
* C-47 That's All, Brother and DC-3 "Western Airlines" have both made it to Reykjavik, Iceland on their journey home.
* C-47 "Placid Lassie" is at still Sywell Aerodrome on display for Sywell 2024.
* A-26 "Millionairess" will not be at Sywell but has landed in Berlin for a couple of days. All other aircraft are either already at home base or have fulfilled their time with our mission and don't have additional updates at this time.

Day 45- June 24, 2024 - Reykjavik, Iceland Today's aircraft updates:
CAF's C-47 That's All, Brother" and DC-3 "Western Airlines" are en route from Reykjavik, Iceland (BIRK) to Narsarsuaq, Greenland (BGBW).
C-47 "Placid Lassie" has landed in Prestwick, Scotland (EGPK).
A-26 "Millionairess" is en route to Duxford (EGSU).

Day 46- June 25, 2024 - Narsarsuaq, Greenland As all the crews ar winding down on their journey's they are trying take in the sites and make as many memories as possible. Right now the team from "Westernn Airlines" seems to be not only making headway towards home, but grabbing a few memories along the way! Also C-47 "Screaming Eagle" remains at Narsarsuaq, enjoying the breathtaking surroundings, and will be leaving that location sometime in July. While C-47 That's All, Brother and DC-3 "Western Airlines" are en route to Goose Bay, Canada . C-47 "Placid Lassie" has landed in Reykjavik, Iceland (BIRK). A-26 "Millionairess" remains in Duxford.

Day 47- June 26, 2024 - Presque Isle, Maine (Reykjavik, Iceland) Some of the aircraft are in their final home streach after making it over the Atlantic into Goose Bay, Canada. Both The DC-3 "Western Airlines" and the Commemorative Air Force's C-47 That's All, Brother are en route to Presque Isle, Maine. This will be the last official stop for the return leg of our #24LT mission before they head home to their individual home bases. Meanwhile "Placid Lassie" is on the move again! She's making that long hop from Reykjavik, Iceland to Goose Bay, Canada.

Day 48- June 27, 2024 - San Marcos, Tx It's a homecoming for CAF's C-47 That's All, Brother! She arrived back at the Texas Wing in San Marcos today, after a successful mission to Europe for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day celebrations. The mission to Europe and the aircraft's return 80 years later showcased to the world the CAF's mission to preserve and honor the legacy of World War II veterans and their contributions to history and freedom.

Day 49- June 28, 2024 At this time all of the birds are have made their way home to roost! This will be the last movement update on the aircraft for the #24LT mission, as it has come to a close. We are so honored to have been a part of such an important mission. Thank you to every donor, volunteer, visitor and staff member that made this possible. Until next time, Keep Em' Flying!

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