Coyote Squadron Corsicana, TX

David Campbell Field - Corsicana Municipal Airport
9000 Navarro Rd
Corsicana, TX 75109
Contact number:

PT-19 More Info
In 1938, while most military pilots were still receiving their initial training in biplanes, the need was recognized for a new trainer, one that more closely approximated the more advanced aircraft the new pilots would soon be flying. Fairchild Aircraft developed a primary trainer, the Cornell M-62. The simple but rugged construction included a welded steel tube fuselage with a plywood-sheathed center section, outer wing panels, and tail assembly, and the whole covered with fabric. The prototype flew on May 15, 1939, and, later that year, won a competition against 17 other designs for the new Army primary trainer. On September 22, 1939, Fairchild was awarded a contract for an... ...
T-34 Mentor More Info
The Beechcraft T-34 Mentor is a proven trainer of the United States military being in service now for over 6 decades! Coming off of World War II, Beechcraft was working on providing an updated and more economical trainer for the US military to replace and retire the T-6 Texan. The T-34 Mentor was a cousin to the Beechcraft Model 35 Bonanza. The T-34 finally entered military service in the early 1950s when the United States Air Force began to replace the AT-6 Texan fleet with this new trainer. The T-34 was first step in a military pilot's training before advancing to the T-28 Trojan. In the mid 1970s, the US Navy began to operate turbine powered variants, also known as the T-34C... ...The Coyote Squadron is committed to preserving the legacy of the persons and planes that flew in defense of America, and to bringing to life America’s military aviation heritage in Corsicana. We do this through the restoration of our own primary trainer, a Fairchild PT-19 like those flown at the Corsicana airfield 1941-1944 when it was used as an Army Air Corps flight training facility. Our PT-19 is housed in the Tucker Hardgrave Memorial Hangar at the Corsicana airfield. Tucker Hardgrave, a longtime citizen of Corsicana and a recipient of the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Air Medal, was a founding member of the Coyote Squadron.

Pancake Breakfast & Fly In More Info
Join the Coyote Wing in Corsicana, Texas for a Pancake Breakfast and Fly-In at David McCampbell Field. Pancakes, sausages, coffee and airplanes!

The Coyote Squadron present “The Best Little Airshow in Texas”. Saturday, May 11th Corsicana Municipal Airport, KCRS, C David Campbell Field. Join us for WWII Flying Warbirds, Aerobatic Acts, Precision Flying Teams, Sky Divers, Pyrotechnics and so much more. Food, drinks, vendors. Gates open 8:30AM $10 per person or $20 per carload. Veterans and Active Military and Families are free.

Join Us for the 21st Annual Corsicana AIRSHO C David Campbell Field 9000 Old Navarro Road Hangar #11D Corsicana, TX, 75109
Saturday, Sept. 7th 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Free Admission to Veterans, Active Military and their family. $10/person or $20/car
Learn more at

The Coyote Squadron- Commemorating The 75th Commemoration of the End of WWII-“Salute Their Service, Honor Their Hope”-Flyover More Info
The 75th Commemoration of the End of WWII-The Coyote Squadron, unit of the Commemorative Air Force, had the honor to fly in solidarity with the State of Hawaii in supporting the WWII Warbirds as they participate in events of “The 75th Commemoration of the End of WWII”. The flight took place over Navarro County on Friday, August 14th. The Coyote Squadron’s PT-19 ‘Pride of Corsicana’ which is the primary trainer plane used to train pilots during WWII at the Airfield in Corsicana, Texas. The PT-19 was joined by the Squadron’s T-34 which is an advanced trainer used to train pilots for Viet Nam. Both planes made a flyover to Navarro County much like the event of “United We Fly – Fourth... ...
Coyote Squadron will have an Open Hangar celebrating our Veterans More Info
November 14th from 11 AM until 2 PM-The Coyote Squadron, CAF invites Veterans, family members and friends to honor all those who served!
Free hot dogs, chips and drinks (while supplies last)
Bring a picture of your honored veteran to display and provide a recorded testimonial with our open microphone.
Airplane rides C-47 $99 PT-17 Stearman $150-$200 T-34 $200 PT-19 $150
(weather permitting, vets eligible for free ride drawing)

22nd Annual Corsicana Airsho More Info
October 16, at 11a.m.-22nd Annual Corsicana Airshow-More to come!

Corsicana AIRSHO More Info
Join us for the best little AIRSHO In Texas!

Corsicana Airsho More Info
The Best Little Airsho is back again for its 24th year!! Many planes, pilots, and people to see again this year!! Mark it on your calendar and check back from time to time as we add more details!

Corsicana Airsho More Info

Corsicana 2025 Airsho More Info
Gates open at 9AM Show starts at 12PM. Food & Drink Vendors will be onsite.
Bring your Lawn chairs and come watch "The Best little Airshow in Texas"
Please checkout our sponsors and Airsho photos below!
Outside coolers, tents, and pets are prohibited at the show.