Centex Wing San Marcos, TX

1841 Airport Rd
Bldg 2249
San Marcos, TX 78666
Contact number:
(512) 396-1943

B-25 Mitchell "Yellow Rose" More "Yellow Rose" Info
The “Yellow Rose”, the christened name of the vintage B-25J Mitchell WWII bomber, is once again touring the American skies. The bomber is completely restored to its wartime capabilities and is operated by the Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing. It is one of the flying museum pieces belonging to the organization’s “Ghost Squadron” aircraft collection. After four years, the aircraft was lovingly restored to WWII condition by members of the Central Texas Wing and donated to the CAF in 1981. Literally thousands of man hours were donated over the four year period by the members of the Yellow Rose Squadron in order to bring the Rose back into full operational readiness. The restoration... ...
P-39 Airacobra Miss Connie More Miss Connie Info

C-310/U-3 More Info
The U-3A began life as the Cessna model 310A (which had gained fame as the “Songbird” flown by Skyler “Sky” King of radio and TV fame) in January of 1953. The Cessna 310 gained wide acceptance for its good looks and excellent performance, so the USAF decided it would make an excellent replacement for its fleet of aging Beech C-45s in the administrative support, liaison and light cargo duties. Built as a four or five passenger fast executive transport, 546 U-3As were accepted by the United States Air Force. Originally designed as L-27As, the U-3A served as an executive transport, liaison aircraft and performed as chase planes in a number of units that operated the U-2. The average... ...
AT-6G Texan More Info

C-45 Expeditor "Lone Star Lady" More "Lone Star Lady" Info
The C-45 was based on the Beech Aircraft Corporation’s Model 18 “Twin Beech”series. First flight for the original company design was recorded on January 15th, 1937 and the aircraft was introduced that same year. The US military adopted the Model 18 in many guises including the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) which designated the type as the “C-45”. It went on to become a fixture within the inventories of the USAAF (later the USAF), the US Navy and the USMC and saw additional service overseas with British and Canadian forces through Lend-Lease. In all, some 9,000 Model 18 aircraft were built. Production spanned from 1937 to 1970. While the Model 18 served as the basis for the C-45,... ...
C-47 Skytrain "That's All, Brother" More "That's All, Brother" Info
On June 6, 1944, That’s All, Brother led the main airborne invasion of Normandy. Piloted by Lt. Col John Donalson, the plane led over 800 C-47s that dropped over 13,000 paratroopers into a battle that changed the course of mankind. After serving on D-Day, and in Operations Dragoon, Market Garden, Repulse, and Varsity, the airplane returned to the United States and was sold to the civilian market in 1945. During the course of many owners over the next several decades, the historical significance of the airplane was lost, and it was eventually sold to be scrapped. Fortunately, two Air Force Reserve historians discovered that this historic airplane was lying in a boneyard in Wisconsin.... ...
BT-13 Valiant More Info
The BT-13 is an American WWII-era Basic Trainer aircraft. It is a fixed-gear, low-wing taildragger with a crew of two sitting in tandem. When production ended in 1944, approximately 11,537 Valiants were built.
It was flown by most American pilots in transitioning from Primary trainers like the PT-19 to more advanced trainers like the AT-6. The BT-13 was more complex than the Primary Trainer and required the use of a two-way radio, landing flaps, and a two-position, and had a controllable-pitch prop.
The BT-13 was nick-named the “Vultee Vibrator” by its pilots for its most remarkable characteristic- a tendency to shake violently as it approached stall speed.
The Central Texas Wing hangar houses six CAF aircraft for which the Wing has maintenance and restoration responsibility: a very-rare flying P-39Q Bell Airacobra, a rare flying P-63F Kingcobra undergoing restoration, the B-25J Yellow Rose, a replica Kate #310 from the movies Tora, Tora, Tora and Pearl Harbor, a BT-13 Valiant undergoing a frame up restoration and a U-3A Administrator.
Other aircraft in the hangar are privately owned by CAF members, and used to support the missions of the CAF. Among these are 4 AT-6 Texan types, a Japanese Zero replica, built for the movie Tora, Tora, Tora, a Chinese-built CJ-6A trainer, the Beech T-34A “Mentor”, and a Lockheed T-33 "Shooting Star" jet trainer.

C-47 That's All, Brother Spring Tour More Info
D-Day veteran, “That’s All, Brother” will be visiting the Lakefront Airport at New Orleans, Louisiana as part of the Spring Tour. After the Spring Tour, the aircraft will fly to Normandy and participate in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Here is your opportunity to tour and fly in the aircraft that led the airborne assault on D-Day. Living History Flight Experience...$249.00 per person. Tours of the aircraft...$5.00 per person. Children under 7 free. Schedule... Friday, March 29: Ground Tours and Rides Saturday, March 30: Ground Tours and Rides Sunday, March 31: Ground Tours You can pre-book your ride... ...
That's All Brother at Sun 'n Fun More Info
D-Day veteran, “That’s All, Brother” will be visiting Sun ‘n Fun in Lakeland, Florida as part of the Spring Tour. After the Spring Tour, the aircraft will fly to Normandy and participate in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Here is your opportunity to tour and fly in the aircraft that led Mission Albany on D-Day. You can reserve your seat here. https://thatsallbrother.org/c-47-rides-at-sun-n-fun-april-2-7-2019/ Living History Flight Experience...$249.00 per person. Tours of the aircraft...$5.00 per person. Children under 7 free. Schedule... Tuesday, April 2: Ground Tours and Rides Wednesday, April 3: Ground Tours and Rides Thursday, April 4: Ground Tours... ...
That's All Brother in Spring Tour More Info
D-Day veteran, “That’s All, Brother” will be visiting Birmingham, Alabama as part of the Spring Tour. After the Spring Tour, the aircraft will fly to Normandy and participate in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Here is your opportunity to tour and fly in the aircraft that led Mission Albany, part of the airborne assault on D-Day. Living History Flight Experience...$249.00 per person. Tours of the aircraft and combined admission to the Southern Museum of Flight will be $8.00 per person. Children under 7 free. Schedule... Friday, April 12th: Ground Tours and Rides Saturday, April 13th: Ground Tours and Rides Sunday, April 14th: Ground Tours and... ...
That's All Brother at WWII Heritage Days More Info
Flight Experiences at WWII Heritage Days in the D-Day veteran C-47 Commemorative Air Force *That's All, Brother* are now OPEN! Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day by flying in the workhorse of the airborne invasion forces, the iconic C-47. This is your chance to follow in the footsteps of heroes, to hear the roar of dual round engines as you take flight, to glance out the window at the invasion stripes and image what that fateful night might have been like for those paratroopers. Don't delay! Reserve your flight here: wwiidays.org/fly-c-47-thats-brother/ Schedule... Friday, April 26: Ground Tours and Rides Saturday, April 27: Ground Tours and Rides Sunday, April 28: Ground... ...
That's All Brother at Air Mobility Museum More Info
“That’s All, Brother” will appear at the Air Mobility Museum in Dover, Delaware on May 3rd and 4th. The aircraft will be available for ground tours. Living History Flight Experiences will not be available at this location.

That's All Brother at Air & Space Expo More Info
”That’s All, Brother” will be at the 2019 Joint Base Andrews Air Show. Here is you chance to see up close a D-Day veteran of Mission Albany. “That’s All, Brother” will be open to the general public for tours on May 11th and May 12th. Living History Flight Experiences will not be available since the air show takes place on a military installation.

D-Day Squadron Webinar More Info
This event is an online webinar about the 2019 Trip to Europe to commemorative the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Panelists include D-Day veteran and Pathfinder Dave Hamilton, Aircrews of C-47s participating, D-Day Squadron Leadership and others. More information about this webinar will be released soon, to register for this event Click Here

TAB at Janesville, WI More Info
The C-47 "That's All, Brother" will be joining the AirPower History Tour in Janesville, WI, and will be available for rides July 18-21. Visitors to the ramp will be able to view all aircraft up close, purchase rides, and tour the B-29 and B-24 cockpits when the aircraft are not flying. More information is available at http://www.airpowersquadron.org/janesville2019. Book your rides TODAY!

TAB at Oshkosh More Info
See the C-47 "That's All, Brother" at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI June 22-26! Rides will be available the 25th and 26th in Appleton, WI

Aircraft Fabric Seminar More Info
The CAF Central Texas Wing in San Marcos, Texas, will be hosting a 2-Day seminar on covering flight controls.
Attendees will learn how to lay, shrink, stich, tape, prime, and repair their individual small flight control project.
The seminar will be held on December 7-8, 2019.
Cost of the seminar is $350 per person (The fee will cover the cost of materials.)
If you prefer to use your own fabric tools, you are welcome to bring the, however there will be plenty of tools available.
This seminar is limited to 10 people, first come, first serve.
To register e-mail Roger Sharp at JFJM200@gmail.com.
Come have some fun and learn new stuff!

Veteran's Day Dinner Dance More Info
Veteran's Day Dance Tickets are now on sale. Tickets may be purchased on line at www.centraltexaswing.org or by calling Peggy at 512-805-8226 or the hangar at 512-396-1943. Tickets are $50 per person and a table for ten can be reserved for $500. VIP tables on the dance floor are available for $600 but are limited in number. Tickets may be purchased at the gate on dance night but will remain $50 and will not include dinner. You are welcome to call with a credit card number or mail a check to the Central Texas Wing, 1841 Airport Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666, and we will send you tickets in the mail or hold for will call. See attached for the Dinner Dance flyer. Dress for the... ...
Mission To Normandy Webinar More Info
Leading up to and through the summer of 2019 many members spent months planning, preparing, and executing one of the Commemorative Air Force's most worthwhile missions. A mission to bring two CAF aircraft over the North Atlantic to Europe to participate in the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Join members of the aircrew of the aircrew of C-47 That’s All, Brother, and C-53 D-Day Doll, as they discuss what it was like to be part of one of the world's most looked upon anniversaries. The crew will talk through the operational plan, the extraordinary reception in Duxford England, and what it was like to cross the English Channel 75 years later. Click here to register... ...
The CAF Central Texas Wing- Host Dinner Dance More Info
The Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, November 13th, 2021 from 6pm to 11pm. So, what’s so great about our dinner and hangar dance? The Central Texas Wing of the Commemorative Air Force is located in the only WWII aircraft hangar left standing on the old Edward Gary Army Training Base in operation during WWII. For visitors to enjoy in the hangar-a PX, Museum, Officer’s Club, Library and a hangar full of WWII aircraft all of which are still in flying condition. The C-47 “That’s All, Brother”, the B-25 “Yellow Rose” and one of only three flying P-39s in the world are among them. Others include a T-6, a U-3, a C-45 and a BT-13. The airplanes are pulled out of the hangar to... ...
CAF Central Texas Wing - Fly That's All Brother in Lexington, KY More Info
Come visit the Aviation Museum of Kentucky and see the plane that led the main airborne invasion on D-Day, the C-47 That's All Brother as we visit Lexington and offer rides to the public!
Book your flight at the ticket link or click on the link

Fly That's All Brother in Xenia, OH More Info
See the plane that led the main airborne invasion on D-Day, the C-47 That's All Brother as we visit Xenia, OH to celebrate Jim "Pee Wee" Martin's 100th birthday! Pee Wee jumped at Normandy, and he and his fellow surviving 101st Airborne vets will celebrate his birthday in style, and you can too! We will offer rides to the public on D-Day veteran "That's All Brother"

Fly the C-47 & T-6 at Port Lavaca, TX More Info
Get a D-DAY FLIGHT EXPERIENCE aboard the C-47 Skytrain "That's All Brother" which led the main airborne element on D-Day. Or, get your FIGHTER PILOT EXPERIENCE and find out how fighter pilots trained during WII in our T-6 Texan "Miss Red Tail." Both aircraft will visit Port Lavaca on May 21 & 22. Book your flights now at https://ci.ovationtix.com/36154/production/1044931 before they sell out!

"That's All Brother" Will be at the Silent Wings Museum More Info
The C-47 “That’s All, Brother” will be at the Silent Wings Museum in Lubbock, Texas June 4th – 6th. Book your ride in this veteran of “Mission Albany” on D-Day.
Admission is free… Suggested donations are $10 per person and $20 for a group. These donations help us “Keep ‘Em Flying”.
Museum Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday And Saturday- 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Location: Silent Wings Museum Address: Texas 79403 Phone: 806-775-3049

CAF Warbird Tube -"That's All, Brother"- Webinar More Info
C-47 "That's All, Brother" is a restored D-Day aircraft operated by members of the CAF Central Texas Wing. Learn more about what it takes to fly this historic airplane and see some of the interesting points about this particular restoration which make it so special and so authentic.

CAF Central Texas Wing - Flyovers Before Fireworks More Info
Have the best July 4 celebration ever with a vintage warbird flyover of your neighborhood! On Independence Day, make a patriotic flight over your San Antonio, Austin, or Central Texas neighborhood or event a part of your Fourth of July. For a $500 tax deductible donation, four to six warbirds will fly over your neighborhood, inspiring your children, honoring your veterans, and helping our cause.
Spots are limited. Lead the charge for your neighborhood.

Austin Warbird Expo More Info
Put your hands on history this July 4th weekend and encounter the WWII aviator’s experience on the ground and in the air. Join us for on-board tours and warbird flights of vintage aircraft. Warbird rides start at just $100! Among the aircraft that will be there: **B-17 Flying Fortress** (tours & rides) **B-25 Mitchell** (tours only) **C-47 Skytrain** (tours & rides) **T-6 Texan** (tours & rides) **C-45 Expeditor** (tours & rides) **JRB Expeditor** (tours & rides) These aircraft include the plane that led the D-Day invasion, the C-47 *That's All Brother* and the B-25 Mitchell *Yellow Rose*, not to mention the iconic B-17 *Texas Raiders,* the first warbird restored... ...
"That's All Brother" Fall Tour More Info
Get up close and personal with the most historically significant WWII aircraft still flying today! "That's All Brother" was the lead aircraft during the airborne invasion of Normandy on D'-Day, June 6, 1994.
Tour admission $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under and $20 per family (up to 5 total family members).
Flight experience starting at $295 per person. Click the link below to book your flight.

"That's All Brother" Fall Tour More Info
Get up close and personal with the most historically significant WWII aircraft still flying today! "That's All Brother" was the lead aircraft during the airborne invasion of Normandy on D'-Day, June 6, 1994.
Tour admission $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under and $20 per family (up to 5 total family members).
Flight experience starting at $295 per person. Click the link below to book your flight.

"That's All Brother" Fall Tour More Info
Get up close and personal with the most historically significant WWII aircraft still flying today! "That's All Brother" was the lead aircraft during the airborne invasion of Normandy on D'-Day, June 6, 1994.
Tour admission $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under and $20 per family (up to 5 total family members).
Flight experience starting at $295 per person. Click the link below to book your flight.

"That's All Brother" Fall Tour More Info
Get up close and personal with the most historically significant WWII aircraft still flying today! "That's All Brother" was the lead aircraft during the airborne invasion of Normandy on D'-Day, June 6, 1994.
Tour admission $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under and $20 per family (up to 5 total family members).
Flight experience starting at $295 per person. Click the link below to book your flight.

CAF Warbird Tube - P-39 "Old Crow" More Info
ONLINE EVENT 7 p.m. Central - Did you know that Triple-Ace Bud Anderson flew a P-39? For Anderson's 100th birthday, the Central Texas Wing added the livery of Anderson's original P-39 fighter, Old Crow, to their P-39 Airacobra. Join Pilot John Cyrier as he talks about working with Bud Anderson and his family to create this tribute.
Register at the link below.

Central Texas Wing Hangar Dance More Info
Join the Central Texas Wing for their Annual Hangar Dance featuring The Sentimental Journey Orchestra. There will be dance, authentic attire, museum exhibits, contests, and a silent auction.
- Cash Bar
- Dinner from 6:00 to 7:30
- Dance Lessons from 7:00 - 7:30
- Swing Dancing from 7:30 - 11:00
For tickets click the link below or call 737.270.9950

Coastal Bend Holiday Fly-In More Info
Aransas County Airport (KRKP), with Non-Profit Airplanes & Coffee, is proud to announce the upcoming 3rd Annual Coastal Bend December Fly-In at the airport on December 10th and 11th! This event is open to the public with FREE ADMISSION & FREE PARKING! Santa is flying to Rockport along with "Warbirds in South Texas" as we are scheduled to bring several historical airplanes to our event! Commemorative Air Force will be selling rides in their B-25 Bomber "Yellow Rose", C-45 "Lone Star Lady", T-6 Texan, BT-13 Valiant! Please call 361-229-0857 for more details on how to purchase a ride. Other static displays to look forward to include Stearman's, Texan T-6s, Vultee BT-13A, P-51... ...
Central Texas Wing Holiday Light Flights More Info
This year we will be offering night flights to view the Christmas lights around San Marcos in the Lone Star Lady. Due to pilot availability, we will be providing these flights on four nights – December 8, 9, 22, and 23. Flights are scheduled at 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, and 8:30 pm – with hot chocolate and Christmas cookies served after each flight. Click the ticket link to purchase your seat – select your date early as we expect to sell out quickly!

CAF Warbird Tube - "TAB Jr" A C-47 Flight Simulator More Info
ONLINE EVENT Join members of the Central Texas Wing to discuss their recent project of turning an authentic 1940s-era C-47 Cockpit into a high-tech flyable simulator. Mixing veteran historic aircraft maintainers with high-tech engineers produced a remarkable simulator modeled after the historic D-Day C-47, That's All, Brother. You’ll have to see to believe.

Hangar Dance More Info
Come honor and celebrate the brave men and women who gave us our freedom at the Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing in San Marcos. Swing dance along to authentic ‘40s music amongst restored and functional WWII aircraft. It’s a night you surely won’t forget. Missed the best of a generation? *Travel Back to the 1940's *Big Band - WWII Airplanes *Support Living History at this Great Event *Your Contribution Supports Vintage Planes to Stay in the Sky *Allows all to Experience Living History 6:45 p.m. Swing Lesson with Rob & Diane of Swing Junction 7:30 p.m. Presentation and Dancing to Sentimental Journey Orchestra Dress for the event - Period attire (40's) civilian and... ...
D-Day C-47 to visit War Eagles Museum More Info
Santa Teresa NM - C-47 *That's All, Brother* - Fri Oct 6, 2023 - Mon Oct 9, 2023. <br> D-Day Living History Flight Experience - Join us at the War Eagles Air Museum. *That’s All, Brother*is the C-47A troop carrier aircraft that led the main airborne Invasion on D-Day, June 6, 1944, carrying 101st Airborne Division paratroopers into France during the D-Day invasion. During the remainder of WWII, *That’s All, Brother* served in Operation Dragoon, Market Garden, the Relief of Bastogne, and Operation Varsity. The Living History Flight Experience is like no other, and the entire experience lasts approximately one hour. Passengers must check in one hour before take-off. Pre-boarding... ...
California Capital Airshow More Info
This year’s massive aviation festival will host the world-famous United States Air Force Thunderbirds. Attendees will experience the world’s most talented pilots and capable aircraft including exhilarating military jet performances, exciting displays, and interactive exhibits to inspire the next generation unlike we’ve ever experienced before. That means you get to see some of the BEST PILOTS in the world (up close) … flying for YOU!

Join us for a unique celebration of Independence Day with a living history experience in authentic World War II aircraft. At the CAF Central Texas Wing hangar, you can take a ride in iconic Warbirds such as the B-25 Yellow Rose, C-45 Lone Star Lady, AT-6 Texan, U3a Blue Canoe, or BT-13 Basic Trainer. Additionally, the C-47 That's All Brother will be available for aircraft tours having recently returned from the D-Day 80th anniversary events in Europe

12th Annual CAF Central Texas Wing “Dick Cole Golf Classic" More Info
This year’s tournament will, once again, be held at the Onion Creek Country Club in south Austin, TX on Monday, October 7, 2024. Player registrations will be open as of June 1st, 2024. Our tournament honors the life and patriotism of Col Richard E. (Dick) Cole, the last surviving member of the famous “Doolittle Raiders”. Col. Cole was a friend to our Wing and a remarkable man, and we are extremely happy to continue to recognize him with this annual tournament. Right up until his passing in April 2019, it was his wish that those who fought for this country in WWII always be remembered. It is only fitting to hold this tournament in his honor as his wish is core to all that we do in... ...
Get ready for an exhilarating night at our 23rd Annual Veterans' Day Hangar Dinner Dance! It's a chance to honor and applaud the valiant Veterans who have given so much for our freedoms. Let's swing to the beat of authentic ‘40s music, surrounded by our historic WWII aircraft, in the grandeur of our WWII hangar! And this year, we are also celebrating the CAF Central Texas Wing's 50th anniversary! 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Dinner - by The Original Black’s BBQ 6:45 PM Swing Lesson with Rob & Diane of Swing Junction 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM Dancing to Sentimental Journey Orchestra Tickets include dinner, dancing and complimentary beer and wine! Dress for the event - Period attire (40's)... ...
CAF Warbird Tube - P-39 Airacobra “Miss Connie” More Info
In this episode, we take you on an exciting journey through the history and restoration of one of the rarest WWII fighters still flying—the CAF’s P-39 Airacobra. Known for its unconventional design with a mid-engine layout and nose-mounted cannon, the Airacobra played a significant but often overlooked role in the war. Join us as we explore the story of this unique fighter, its combat history, and the challenges of preserving such a rare aircraft.

veteran's Day Hangar Dance More Info
Come honor and celebrate the brave men and women who gave us our freedom at the Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing in San Marcos. Swing dance along to authentic ‘40s music amongst restored and functional WWII aircraft. It’s a night you surely won’t forget.